We know that understanding our customers’ individual needs is paramount to the buying experience. We also know that most of the tools available to agents are either too complicated (confusing customers) or too simplistic (not meeting their needs fully). We wanted a tool that works better for our agents and customers, and more efficiently for our business.
The work:We created FWD Cube. It is designed to provide a unified seller experience by combining the end-to-end agent journey such as recruitment, training, prospect, sale, and customer management.
The impact:FWD Cube increases productivity and provides better user experience. It made the sales and its management much easier as electronic point of sales (“ePOS”) functions with Financial Needs Analysis(“FNA”) is integrated, and agents can check the status of sales, leads, and customers much easier with the dashboard. Agents can also closely monitor the team performance, manage recruitment and training via CUBE, and only need to interact with one superapp for their daily tasks. We are committed to providing agents with an exceptional experience and digital sales tool and data analytics, all within a seamless digital ecosystem.